Haverfordwest: 01437 762806
  /  Pembroke: 01646 622010
  /  Farm: 01437 762511  /  24 Hr: 01437 762806
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Surgery & Anaesthesia

Most routine surgery and dental procedures are done on a “day patient” basis, so your pet should be able to go home the same day.

In most cases, we ask that cats and dogs are fasted for 12 hours before having a general anaesthetic (known as ‘GA’) or sedative. Our usual plan is to take food away at approximately 9pm the evening before, but leave water down until first thing on the morning of the procedure.

Other species (rabbits, other small mammals) should not be fasted.

You will have an admission appointment with a member of staff, who will go through the procedure with you and answer any questions you may have. Animals over 7 yrs old, or that are considered above average risk, may be recommended to have a pre-anaesthetic blood test taken and intravenous fluid support given during the procedure. The blood test can be done on the morning of the procedure, or before if you wish.

All anaesthetics are monitored constantly  by experienced staff using the electronic monitoring equipment.

We carry out all routine surgery, orthopedic surgery and dental surgery. We use the latest digital x-ray machine and scanning equipment and have access through our visiting cardiologist to more specialist scanning facilities.

Our in-house laboratory machines mean that we able to analyse many blood samples at the surgery  with results available the same day.

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  Have an emergency? (24 Hr Service): 01437 762806     Pet Health Club Repeat Prescriptions Book Online

Contact Numbers

Small Animals
01437 762806

Farm Animals
01437 762511

24 Hour Emergency
(Pembroke Dock)
01646 622010

Prescriptions Book Online